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Cyndy Whiteyes

What Essential Oils Should You Keep On Hand?

Updated: Feb 27

Could you find some answers in the Bible? Yes, read on to learn more...

Lemon or lemongrass essential oil is a great choice to keep on hand for your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and more!


Essential oils can be quite expensive and with the massive push toward alternative medicine, they have become more popular than ever, how exciting!! So which oils are the best to have ready and on hand when the need should arise? As I have stated in other blogs, you really cannot go wrong with any of the essential oils. Always try to buy organic when you can, but it is not required, as they still have the benefits.

Here are some things to consider when thinking about which oils to purchase.

Tip #1 - What are your favorite scents?

Not everyone likes the same scents which is understandable, but I do feel liking the scents of the oils is very important in helping the healing process. Nobody wants to smell something they don't like, so definitely go for what attracts you most.

There are several different scent profiles that you'll find in the essential oil families. Here are 6 of the main categories:

Citrus- orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit

Floral- rose, lavender, Jasmine, and hibiscus

Woodsy- cedarwood, sandalwood, balsam fur, and vetiver

Spicy - black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric

Fruity- raspberry, strawberry, apple, and passionfruit

Herbal- thyme, basil, sage, and oregano

Try to at least pick one or two from every category, so you have a nice mix to work with for blending.

Tip #2 - What are your main household concerns?

"I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth" Genesis 1:29

God is good to us, he provided everything we need on this earth to care for ourselves and our families, this information just wasn't passed along so openly to us. Did you know there are 33 essential oils used and named in the Bible. I thinks this may just call for a new type of Bible study group!

"The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” Revelation 22:2 

Essential oils have a multitude of benefits that they offer, so figure out what exactly you want to accomplish for your family. Does your family get sick a lot? Does anyone have any specific health condition? Are their any emotional or mental health needs? Are you just looking to keep everybody in an overall good state of well-being? Whatever your needs, you will find several essential oils to meet those concerns. Again, I'm going to recommend picking a nice mix from each of the categories so you can put a nice blend together.

Tip #3 - Do you have children?

If you have children, or you're getting ready to start your family, that will bring a whole different set of concerns when it comes to good health. As you know, children tend to get sick a lot once they're of school-age, so you'll want to make sure that you keep a few that will boost your immune systems and fight off those every day sniffles.

As your children grow, and as they come home with cuts, bruises, and other illnesses, you will find that essential oils can help for everything under the sun. Send me an email to: if you have specific questions or concerns for your family and would like some guidance!

Tip #4 - Do you have pets?

Having pets in your household can be a little bit of a game changer as far as what oils you can use, although I have used many in my home and we have both cats and dogs. If you want to be on the safe side, however, there are many options to choose from that are safe for your pets, but you will have to watch your dilution rates, a little will go along way. There are many companies that offer charts to help make it easy for you. Here is the one I use the most:

There are many herbalists and artisans that already make some fabulous blends (like yours truly), so you don't need to re-create the wheel. Plus, you will be supporting small businesses, win-win!

You don't need them all!

For a nice well-rounded selection, I recommend buying between 5 to 10 essential oils to get a great start for your holistic health cabinet! Start here today with Soul Life's Purpose and click here to  Buy Now and to help make it easier to get your collection going, receive one free oil (must be of equal or lesser value) when you buy 3!

Love to all of you!! 💜💜

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and subscribe to my page to never miss a blog!

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UPDATE: To remove the cat odor from the wood floors and to give them an extra cleaning after I did the deep clean in the kitchen area (thank you for your awesome recommendation, Bob), I used about 20 drops of lemongrass in a bucket half filled with hot water and did a quick, light water wash! Wow, what a wonderful difference! Now on to the rest of the house!

I chose lemongrass because that’s what Patrick prefers, but there are several you could use. 💜

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