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Cyndy Whiteyes

What An Awesome, and Accidental Discovery about Coldsores!

You need to read this if you suffer from coldsores...

I was going about my day as usual yesterday when I suddenly felt "the tingle" (you know the one) of a coldsore starting. I immediately ran for my Abreva, which I always keep in my purse pocket for this very reason, but yesterday though, it was not in its spot! What?! Where is it? I always keep it in the small pocket of my could it be missing? In a nervous pinch, and in practicing what I preach (and love), I grabbed my lavender essential oil and dabbed a tiny bit on my lip. Realizing I applied it on directly, I quickly grabbed my carrier oil, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil, blended them together, and placed the new mixture on my lips. I did use a higher dilution rate for this condition, as it is intended for short-term use only*. The great news, after a few applications and 24-hours later, I am coldsore free! I am extactic to report, it worked just liked my beloved Abreva, maybe even better! The healing powers of essential oils and medicinal herbs amaze me more and more each day!

For more on essential oils, medicinal herbs and other alternative treatments, follow my blogs by clicking the box below!

*(Please note, as a practitioner and eternal student, I use myself as a test case to experiment with my own conditions, so please always follow dilution rate guidelines for essential oils, never my self-doctoring ways.)

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