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Cyndy Whiteyes

Mindful Meditation Made Easy!

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Mindful meditation is one of the best self-care healing practices we can do for ourselves a little bit everyday. I already shared so many of the benefits with you and some places you coat look for more, so I will not get into all of that in today's blog. If you have not read that blog, I do encourage you to read it by following this link below:

I am no stranger to the busy lifestyle and world of stress, believe me, but I am also a true believer and living proof that mindful meditation does work! Admittedly, it did take me some time to come around and actually commit to regular practice because my one greatest obstacle was me! There was never any real excuse as to why I did not take the time, I just simply didn't think of it, which is exactly why mindfulness needs to be part of the equation for meditation to be successful. Here is a simple plan of ideas I have created for you to start using to add some mindfulness meditation into your life. You can do as many of these as you want or just one (you will surely want to add in more), but what ever you choose, please commit to yourself, trust me, it's life changing!


· Every morning upon waking up, think about what you are grateful for and send a “thank you” into the Universe.

· Before getting out of bed, perform some slow stretching with slow, deep breaths. This will help to get the body moving by getting the fluids flowing through the joints and tissues and the blood circulating through the body.

· Next take a few minutes to do some breathing exercises. This may sound silly, but once I started to do this, I began to pay more attention to my breathing, and I noticed that I often hold my breath when working or doing homework, but a lot during typing, a task I do not enjoy. Stress and anxiety, among other things, can throw off our breathing patterns, so it’s important to get our breathing rhythms back on track. You don’t even need to sit down to practice your breathing but do stop what you’re doing for a moment and take some nice slow deep breaths. I like to use the count of 4 as follows: Breathe in, 2, 3, 4- Hold, 2, 3, 4-Breathe out, 2, 3, 4. Do this a few times until you feel your breathing at a nice, relaxed pace, usually I do about 6 reps.

· Spend at least 5-10 minutes outside in the Sun and fresh air. It’s a wonderful source of Vitamin D and does wonders for our spirit.

· During the day, be mindful of your actions and words towards yourself and when interacting with others. Do your best to be non-judgmental and actively listen to others when they are speaking. Maybe you might consider doing something or saying something nice to someone who may need encouragement. Take that a step further and go out of your way to be there for someone else who might need you. Our actions and words we use each day have a deep impact on us and those around us, so please, as they say, if you cannot say or do anything nice, then do not do or say anything at all.

· Be mindful of each situation and experience throughout the day and seek the growth opportunity it is offering you.

· At night, before falling asleep, give yourself at least 2-3 minutes of relaxation and breathing. On the nights you have the time, practice a longer sleep or relaxation meditation.


· Choose one day of the week to practice a longer meditation for a minimum of 30-45 minutes. Work your way up by using some of the daily practices.

Extremely busy days and times in life:

· When you’re in the shower, think of it as a Cleansing Meditation moment, getting all that negative energy that you accumulated over the past 24 hours. You can do this every day to give yourself a positive, fresh start to each day.

· Practice mindfulness while washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, or washing the floor, all can be done, not in a hurry, but at a slower pace, ensuring you clean the entire surface. Truly pay attention. You will begin to feel less rushed inside as you move to the next chore and even more accomplished. If this works with chores, imagine how it might improve your skills at work. You will have more clarity and begin to feel more focused.

· Gardening and harvesting are another great time to use mindful mediation. There is no better healing experience than being one with nature!

· Choose to exercise outside as much as possible, it is so peaceful and provides a little extra healing, again just by being in the nature. Remember, the Sun is also healing all on its own, do not underestimate the power it shares to recharge us and enhance our mood, it's not just the Vitamin D.

· Take a little extra time in the bathroom to “freshen up”, no one needs to know what you’re doing.

· Lastly, try to be more mindful in general, as we all should be in the moment, paying attention and “present” during everything we do each day.

Keep this in mind...every little thing counts!!!!

Love and Happiness to all,

Cyndy LouWho

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